Amazing mélèze from Bramousse

Level of difficulty: Easy
Elevation gain: 400 m
Distance: 9 km
Duration: 3h00
From LE RIOU VERT, go past the chapel and turn right towards the BRAMOUSSE pass and the GR58. When you reach the BRAMOUSSE mountain chalet, above the chapel on your right you'll see a tiny chalet. The path is just behind it. Marked with small orangey-yellow circles, the path crosses meadows and forest up to the ‘centenaire', an ancient larch tree that stands amid a few other enormous larches. Backtrack a little to begin your descent, down to the waterfall for a refreshing break, then return to the chalets via a small road (if you look carefully you'll see the remains of a lime kiln below you), to reach the chapel and take the GR58 hiking trail to BRAMOUSSE.
This itinerary can be reached from the following accommodation:
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